
Get a Lush and Vibrant Lawn in the ACT & Surrounding Regions

Professional Spray Seeding Services for Your Residential Property

At ACT Spray Seeding, we utilise spray seeding (also known as hydro mulching) to install your new lawn efficiently. Our process involves sourcing seed from trusted local suppliers, ensuring we can provide seed tailored to your specifications. We offer a range of commonly used varieties, including the Canberra Blend, Rhizome-producing Tall Fescue (RTF), Dryland mixes (with or without clover), and various native grass options.

Hydro mulching is a slurry mixture of seed, organic mulch (such as paper, wood, or sugarcane fibres), binding agent, dye, fertilisers, and water. Applied under pressure through a hose onto a properly prepared, preferably irrigated surface, the thick consistency of the slurry provides excellent erosion control, securely holding the seed in place during germination. This process retains soil moisture, reduces runoff, and protects the seed as it establishes. Experience the convenience of our one-step hydro mulching process and enjoy a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn.

Benefits and Applications of Residential Spray Seeding:

Lush and Green Lawns: Spray seeding results in vibrant and healthy lawns, creating a lush and inviting landscape for your residential property.

Customised Seed Selection: We offer a wide range of seed varieties, allowing you to choose the best options that suit your specific preferences and requirements.

Erosion Control: The thick slurry mixture used in spray seeding helps prevent soil erosion, providing stability to the ground and protecting against runoff.

Efficient and Fast: Spray seeding is a quick and efficient method of establishing lawns, saving you time and effort compared to traditional seeding methods.

Cost-Effective: Spray seeding offers cost advantages compared to other landscaping options, delivering excellent results at an affordable price.

Versatile Applications: Whether creating a new lawn area or rejuvenating an existing one, spray seeding suits various residential projects, regardless of size or complexity.

Why wait? Call ACT Spray Seeding today to get the lawns you always wanted. To find out more about the process and how to care for your lawn, see our Frequently Asked Questions Page

Contact ACT Spray Seeding for exceptional residential spray seeding services

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